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A House That's As Clean as Spring...

Welcome to Spring MRE residents! Spring is upon us and we have moved to daylight savings time!

It’s nice having more daylight in the evening. It’s also that time in the year where everyone begins to prep their yards for the summer. To aid you in this effort, the HOA has scheduled two clean up dumpsters from April 21 through April 23. One for household waste and the other for yard waste. The HOA is scheduling these dumpsters again due its popularity from residents last year. However, here are a few procedural rules for using these containers:

  • The HOA will mark each bin for household waste and the other for yard waste. We would ask that you do not mix and match the household and yard wastes as they are charged at different rates.

  • The HOA will be monitoring these bins to ensure that they are not overfilled. When you see that the contents reaches the top of the dumpster, then no further items may be placed in the bin. Last year, the HOA had to pay for an additional bin to reduce the contents in the bin that was placed on SE 156th Street as it was overfilled and could not be transported by the hauler.

  • The HOA will place the dumpsters at the marked locations below: one on 139th Avenue SE and the other on SE 158th Street.

In sum, the HOA provides this yearly service to help MRE residents maintain and enhance our residential community. Please help us to use these bins as they are originally intended.

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